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Monday, December 26, 2005

hello hello! i'm finally back from china! :) bought presents for you guys can't wait to see you all again! before the next year. (:

belated xmas to all! (: thank you junnie for the uber nice card and ADVISING me to get more good-looking boyfriends. (i wish i could too.) cackles. =X oh man. anyway. hope you all had a great xmas cos i had a very boring one flying from china to singapore then watching desperate housewives on video. not to mention getting a sore throat along the way. dang. :(

haven't been blogging for ages, i'm ashamed to say! dang i really should spank myself for this. hey let's have a cny reunion like every other year! :) it'd be so great. heh. 1 more week till school. let's PARTAYY like madness till then!

love you guys, wai yee.

we're hot. 8:10 PM

Sunday, December 18, 2005


havent been bloggin!

so sorry.

betcha all miss me right.

come on, don hide it. SHOW IT.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

we dint take much photos at prom.


anyway everbdy look extremely sexeh that day. ( although we always look sexy)



exciting stuff.

we havent been out much huh?

we should really get together before the holidays ends.

okay lets go out! movie or something.

everybdy reply me asap, when you are free.




we're hot. 7:26 PM

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

omg. :O captain. went. skinny. dipping. BLINK. BLINKBLINKBLINKBLINK.

nice to hear you're having loads of fun. still i don't think i'll ever ever go skinny dipping. put up some pics also!! i wanna see the mud bath where the mud CAKES ON YOUR BUTTCHEEKS. muaha.

meanwhile, nothing much's happening in sunny old singapore. s'pore had a great sea games outing, our badminton team bombed, sinyu fell in love with this drooliciously handsome s'pore water polo player and of course GRAD NIGHT IS TMR. i got nothing exotic, nothing at all. i'm wearing back my sexy red dress, bought new heels that my mom deems is safe for me, and am ready than ever to prance around in the middle of orchard in my supposedly EXOTIC WEAR. it'll be fun, though. wenting orders me and everyone else to take lots of pretty pictures for her to see while she goes miao-ing all the shuaiges in china.

so now i'm resting my feet at home before they withstand the ultimate torture tmr night. and oh, i found a copy of maxim here at home while sweeping the floor. wonder WHO brought it home. i flipped through it, and guess what. it's not so bad la. just full of tips for men on women, full of bikini-clad models. but i said it's not so bad right. cos it has special stories like child boxing which people bet on that's taking place on thai-burmese territory, which of cos has nothing to do with porn or whatever but touches on the cruelties in the world. as well as normal stuff like car, music and movie reviews. and according to the magazine, 23% of its readers are actually women. so there. one of the world's largest circulating men's magazines for you.

it's a nice, relaxing day and now i got to go cook some lunch for meself. see most of you tmr, bring your cameras, i can't wait. and those who're overseas(THE captain and THE wenting), see you SOON! right that's all.

good day mates. :) -sinyu.

we're hot. 2:07 PM

Thursday, December 01, 2005

hey... i tried various harry potter quiz... and here are my results...

Congratulations, you're a Ravenclaw! Intelligent, level-headed, and mysterious, you can often be found in the library, studying. You are smart and get the best grades in your class. In fa
Rock on, you're a Ravenclaw! Intelligent,
level-headed, and mysterious, you can often be
found in the library, studying. You are smart and
get the best grades in your class. In fact,
you probably got all Outstandings on your O.W.L.s!
Your house is respectable and has a good
Quidditch team. The founder of your house was
Rowena Ravenclaw. Go Eagles!
(Art courtesy of Ayne Greensleeves)

An Intelligent Harry Potter House Sorting Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
i'm in hufflepuff!

be sorted @ nimbo.net

You're im Gryffindor!
You're in Gryffindor!

Harry Potter:: Which House Calls You? - with pictures! (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

i then tried yet another harry potter house sorting test and i ended up in ravenclaw.

And then i tried a quiz on quidditch position....
For 40 % you are: You are a Beater! Beaters are known for their physical strength and defensive strategy. Congratulations!

You could also get this result:
For 30 % you are: You are a Keeper! Keepers are known for their quick reflexes and ability to perform under pressure. Congratulations!

Or even this one:
For 30 % you are: You are a Chaser! Chasers are known for their teamwork and knack for offensive strategy. Congratulations!

Or even this one:
For 0 % you are:

i think the last onw is supposed to be the seeker lah... hahaha... so if i ever be on quidditch, dun ask me to be the seeker... :P

LOL! interesting indeed!

we're hot. 9:01 PM


sin yu
wai yee
wen ting

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