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Monday, March 21, 2005

lol... i was looking at wai yee's post... did not know wad she as talking about... then i asked her... then she told me... ok lah... that was during my very weird year of sec 2... but how i wrote the entry is really funny.. even i laughed at it myself when i saw it... hahaha... it's the seoul garden one on 15th september 2003... LOL! damn funny i tell you... i sound so wu ke nai he and frustrated in there over the bad experience in seoul garden (if your still rmb. it's the one i made your waste money one :P)... heeheehee... SO CARTOON LAH

ok lah... so i'm weird lah... IN A GOOD SENSE LAH HOR... ppl agree with me hor... yah lor yah lor... :P...

yup... nybt 4eva!

we're hot. 11:08 PM

Saturday, March 19, 2005

remember the old days? captain just came and tickled me with the archives. aha. people go to edit posts and put shaun in the search engine see what you get. the huiyu one is super funny! it made me cry. ahaha. :)) anyway. busy pia-ing work now. goodness wonder if anyone is as slack as me. well be back soon ciao! :)

we're hot. 11:45 PM

was readin archives, chance upon the peroid of the "shuan- huiyu saga!" haha. almost like readin some romance novel. hilarious, haha. madness. huiyu will scream her head off if she sees this. haha but everyone has their moments of folly. so chill babe. ahaha, just found it funneh, how immature we were;) k tata!

we're hot. 6:12 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2005


anyway, :)) had a great formal dinner. look at us!

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anyway we are such a funny bunch. agree to go out and never ask for bdae girl's consent. haha. tsk tsk. oh this is a short entry! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

we're hot. 10:45 AM

Saturday, March 12, 2005

hey yo! haha back fromcamp! lol. is like pass midnight and i m not yet asleep, goes to show i aint cinderalla:S ( i know i make no sense:S losing my screws) haha. slept the whole afternoon away. too tired. camp was fun! haha i hooked onto bollywood movies once again, watched khabie khusi until i fell asleep in the after noon. madness huh. haha uploading pics now. like got loads of them haha. shall blog to pass time waiting for it to upload. lalala. kk shall go blog in my own bloggie now! tata ppl.

we're hot. 12:19 AM


sin yu
wai yee
wen ting

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