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Thursday, October 30, 2003

anyway. the sec 2 bt ppl's list of to do things for the hols:




ok.. the rest not impt liaoz.. :D wink. heez juz kidding.. ok.. can ignore item(s) 3. :D muahahaha

4. sec 2 chalet

5. team chalet

6. anyone going choral night?

7. NYAA manz. wait so long liaoz..

8. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK! (viable for dragging)

hmmz.. anymore? :D can't think of any liaoz.. :D anyway.. happy hols everybody! lol..

we're hot. 8:03 PM

whoo hoo!! :) 202 rawks all the way manz.. :D

1. we got MODEL CLASS! :D *sticks out tongue at sinyu*

2. we got CHAMPION for the interclass captain's ball! wheee...

3. we got BRONZE for bez progressed class? :P

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee.. so happy ya rite junnie? ^5 manz. :D muaha..

2/2 rawks and rulez 4ever n ever. :)

we're hot. 7:57 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003

heez... hmmmmmm... yesterday went shopping and bought 3 presents together.. woo.. so cute manz. hehe. but today i forgot to bring all of them to school. sigh. heh. nvm. there's only tom.. hmm. today council elections so boring arhz.... the sec 1s so... i oni voted 2! yay... :D:D:D haha. sec 2s better i think i voted 4? hmm. :D:D:D heez.... 4 more days of being in 202.. hmm.. sigh! haha. or rather.. 4 more days of being in sec 2!!!?!?!?! hmm. not ready lehz. i think i still quite young.. nowadays so sian.. :D i finished huan zhu 3! heez.. now so bored.. nth to do.. looking forward to trg..... :D tom go kampong glam.. sian... bleagh bleagh bleagh. hmm............................. -huiyi.

we're hot. 9:41 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2003


we're hot. 10:19 PM

muahahaha.. i got so bad one mehz.. hehe. cindy if they kick u out its their loss.. heez.. (and the chs councillors') muahahahaha. scarlee u go open door for choral nite again then ka no. 2 fall in "love" with u again. :):):) muahaha. k. i thinking too far ya? today spent around $150 on clothes. :) it's my bdae after all.. hehe. why no1 come wish me happy bdae one.. *sad*. hehe. oni huiyu.. haha. n yj n shaun n jianliang. haha. i sad manz. :) juz kidding.. huiyu.. didya tell shaun my bdae cos i reli don recall telling him ya? :D heez. :) anyway. thx for the msg huiyu. love u gal!! :D:D:D haha. so cute.. i got a "diamond" necklace from daddy from soo kee.. whoa. haha. :D wearing it now.. then a black sling bag and 37d spag from siss' n this cute vibrating thingy from yj. and clothes from qz. haha. that's bout all. oops. i forgot.. hehe. my 7250i from mummy.. then this cute thin silver pair of pen and pencils from mummy and daddy.. and... cake and a treat at crystal jade from mummy and daddy.. and lasagne for breakfast from auntie jing.... and... hmm.... oh yes. a pair of cute earrings from jiayi.. hehe. the rest of u still owe me presents!!!! hahaha. oh ya.. mummy buying bike for me also. YES! haha. :D been looking forward to it.. :D:D oh ya qz got me a pair of earrings too..... haha. and she went shopping for me.. haha. al these people whose names i've mentioned... love u all! ;D haha. *muacks* k.. taz! happy happy.... -huiyi

p.s. i WAN the chalet!! wheee.. hehe. hyper manz..

we're hot. 7:24 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2003

aiyo cindy how can u sae tht? they expel u frm council and we habbi? lol! where got so mean. yer results really veri bad meh. don think they will expel u larz. they wont;) nv heard of councillers( donno correct spellin) gettin expelled. wont one:p I WANT CHALET! YES YES! wagaga! if we cannt book until den mabbe can stay over at soemone's hse ya. haha -- Junnie

we're hot. 3:40 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2003

memememememme!!!! i mean. me wan chalet for sec twos onli. juz imagine the craziness that we'll create. hiax. wan wan?? capt i'm sure u noe that i wan... but e others leh? anyway. well. results. erm capt? when? for potato to see izit? wah liao. suck him lah. im sorrie im realli feeling pissed off. by myself. as u can see its 1.43 now. argh and i cant slp.anyway. tata. stay cool babes. love ya all, sinyu.

we're hot. 1:44 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2003

hmmm.... second day of earning money.. wheee. someone gave me $1000 note.. heehee.. scare me.. then i had to return him $960.. who... 18 $50 notes and 6 $10 notes.. hahaha... anyway.. changed the template again.. not bad ya? orange.. so prob u guys will like it.. anyway.. cya guys in sch.. haha. take back papers.. scary... :D -huiyi

we're hot. 9:14 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2003

ooh!!! i got a new phone!! :) yippee... 7250i... :D hehehe.. better than 7250. :D happy happy.. for my bdae.. i upgraded.. so cost me (my mom) $468... :D hehe. yippee.. so happy ya? anyway.. earning money the next 3 days.. so.. hmm ya. not going for trg? :D hehe. :D k lahz. buai!. hehe.

we're hot. 8:04 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

hey people! hahaa watched The Italian Job today.. not bad was a nice show haha lol my dear cap is not just about bread and tai tais o ya and i m callin the person i/c okie? heehee i think i will be away on from thursday to sat so don think comin for trg.. wagag goin genting!! woohoo!!! hahaha i very habbi today!! lol!! don ask me why!! woohoo!! g2g buaiz!

we're hot. 8:47 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2003

hiax. :'( all that's swimming in my head nowz is all da ciyu.. hiax. going to xplode soon.. sobz.. tuesday seem a long way to go. man i m going to fail math.. really plus sci eng chi and history!! :'(!! oh no.. how? what if the sch wont even allow me to go in2 com4??!! terror! lol that's what i dreamt of lorz.. mdm mak telling me.. :" june you have done terribly this year. and the sch admin and all your subject and form teachers have decided that you shoud be expelle frm nanyang.." ah!! lol hiax. my dream ended there. hiax. if it didnt i would probably continued dreamin of me going to find mrs heng and then.. nvm.. must go back and study alreasy! junnie you can do it! NYBT JIA YOU!! JUST 2 MORE DAYS!! YES AND WE WOULD HOLD A CAMPFIRE TO BURN BOOKS!! WOOHOO!

we're hot. 3:35 PM


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